Jun 24, 2006

Happy Summer -

Before I begin - Please please please visit my friend Dani's contest here and help support an excellent cause

Hello all.

I am sorry for my absence - I had a busy few weeks, first with my leaky roof, then with work and now with a truly obnoxious injury.

I was walking down a small set of stone steps, heading toward the one train on 49th street and broadway when i fell, badly spraining my right ankle and fracturing a bone in my left foot. Yep , you got it, I hurt both feet, fun eh?

This did make for a couple of fun New York moments - including the homeless guy who ran to my aid and offered tobe a witness if I decided to sue, and a cop, who when I commented that we were drawing a crowd said "They probably think we (meaning the cops) did this to you".

I spent that night in the ER, the next two days at R's house where I was well cared for by friends, and coworkers, and I'm now out at the BFs house, keeping my feet elevated, and hobbling to and from the bathroom as needed. I got to shower yesterday - I'm sure everyone around me is applauding ;)

Oh- and the picture above? I'm watching goofy movies to entertain myself, and found this moment, right at the beginning of the Poseiden Adventure (the original). Shelly Winters- Knitting! How cool!

Speaking of knitting - . I finished my Jaywalkers and they came out great! I LOVE them, I can hardly wait till the weater is appropriate to wear em (september maybe?). I'll post pictures the next time I'm home since I dont have them with me here at the BF;

I visited The Yarn Tree in Brooklyn
which is a delightful store - with quite a bit of unique yarn, good service, decent prices, and, if you are into that sorta thing, fiber.

I picked up some Alpaca with a Twist "Landscapes" (an ultra-squishy soft alpaca silk blend) and i'm using it to make the fingerless mitts they had sampled in the store. Its a fast easy knitand I picked up the one in the store and it was too yummy for words so I decided to get the pattern as well as the yarn.

Nice stuff - I'd love to make a sweater out of it.

I also picked up some exquisite handpainted sock yarn from Capistrano Fiber Arts Studios (By Lori Lawson) A 50/50 silk and Merino Blend in Brambleberry. This is a truly outrageous yarn, soft, silky , firm, I'm almost afraid to knit it!

Its slightly light on yardage- 300 so as far as socks go, I dont want to use a hight yardaage sock pattern (a lower yardage one would be perect) .. anyone have any ideas on what might be a good pattern for this most beautiful yarn?

Jun 5, 2006

WWKIP day..

So.. Any of you all going to be in Central Park on Sat?

I was planning on going and knitting regardless, and i'm good at mingling - but I'd much rather go "with" people :)

And thank all of you who offered kind words and support re: my house :) I really appreciate it!

Jun 3, 2006


Warning: This post is just one non-stop whine fest.

For those of you outside the area, we had a LOT of rain in the last two days.
I came home today to find water and ceiling material on the floor on the top story of my house. The roof looked ok (which doesn't necesarily mean anything, it could still be leaking), but there was a fair amount of water sitting in the gutter, which could mean its not draining properly.(it looks like its not pitched properly)

I need someone HONEST to assess the problem, whehter its the roof or the gutter, and to deal with it. Without ripping me off.

I hate hate hate this crap.
I hate looking for contractors
my handyman guy got too busy to take my kinda jobs
And I don't have any good recommendations.

Signed - Leaky in Brooklyn.

Jun 1, 2006

Yay! Loot!!!

I received my first SP 7 package (from the Knittyboard SP7) yesterday, and I am absolutely delighted with it!

It arrived, neatly packaged from overseas - far faster than I thought it would, and it was full of such beautiful stuff!

First up is a pic of the haul as a whole. Please disregard the mess in the background.
I had to take at least one pic of the ingenious shrink-wrapped packaging of the yarn, before I tore into it.

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I couldn't wait for long. I tore open the package and it contained two substantial balls of Ewas Sockenwolle. Both are STUNNING, the pics don't do them justice! And what texture! delicious, positively delicious!
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Next up are a set of gorgeous Holz & Stein ebony dpns. They feel amazing to the touch - I keep rolling them around in my hands just admiring the feel, the weight and the look. They are gorgeous, sturdy works of art. I can't wait to try them out on socks!
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And then we have these.
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I'd like to pretend I still have both bars, but one has um... mysteriously dissappeard ;)
Delicious! I've never had this chocolate before and I'm hooked. It is REALLY good.

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Last but certainly not least we have a lovely yarn note card, with a very nice note :)

I was pretty surprised to get a package already, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy with what was in it! :) Thank you, thank you THANK YOU!