Sep 3, 2005

Crafting Results

Well todayI woke up to discover
  • a. that my bathroom sink is leaking - not a big deal, its an exit leak and not using it takes care of that
  • b. that the light in the shower was burned out- not a big deal either, except that I can't change it by myself because I'm a moron.
What this adds up to mean is that I needed to shave my legs in the shower (not the sink as I usually do), in the dark, without my glasses (becuase they get wet).
I'm suspecting I missed a spot ;)

Here are some more online-crafty fundraising efforts for Hurricane relief

  • Knitwhits will donate 20% of all proceeds from online sales to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina Relief from Sept 1st through Sept 10th. Knitwhits will also match the first $1000 of funds raised.
  • Little Knits is donating all net proceeds for the next week and has a corporate partner who will match funds 100%.
  • the proceed for the sale of this pattern will be donated to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina aid.

Please give generously to your charity of choice.

Quickly- before I depart town..
Desdemona took her second treatment like a trooper - this time i succeeded in getting more of th
e fluid in her than on the couch.
My SP5's package is nearly ready and should be heading out this week

and I began my next pair of socks using this:

Regia Mini Ringel in 5219. A genuine sock yarn instead of the dk weights i'd been using.
I'm saving the Lorna's Laces until i get a little more adept.

A really nice person on the knitty board made some avatars for me, not sure which i like best yet- they are all very cute! I thank whoever it is (he/she is anonymous) very much!

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The same incredibly nice person made me blog buttons!
They're off to the right near the bottom!
Thank you wonderful avatarmaker/benefactor person!

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