Oy vey its me again. :)
I guessed that cpurl17 did not have 300 Hummels
which is sort of relieving I guess.
Hummels scare me. Actually any little figurine scares me.
I think it was because of that Trilogy of Terror movie I saw as a child.
Hmm.. here we go - which one is a lie?
1. I have worked for an organization that teaches people to read Hebrew for 10 years and can't read a word of Hebrew
This.. unbelievably enough is true. Its sort of my way of asserting my independence in an organization where I'm the only non religious person. Stupid? Maybe, but true
2. I broke my wrist playing softball two weeks before my wedding and had to be in all my wedding pictures wearing a cast
Lie: I didn't have a wedding (wen't to city hall) and have never played softball. My best friend broke her wrist rollerblading the week before her wedding so I stole that from her ;)
3. My mother once had phone service to the entire house shut off because I wouldn't clean my room.
True: and it didn't get me to clean my room either. We are (were in her case) two of the most stubborn people ever
4. I dropped out of nursery school
True: The boys told me I couldn't play on the windmill, because I was a girl. (i was 2 1/2- 3 maybe), and they kept trying to make me write because I could read already. (and I couldn't write because I was too young and they pushed). I came home crying every day and then one day "announced" i wasn't going back. My mother, acknowledging I was probably too young to start school, took me out.
5. I once had my boss arrange for a shelf to be hung in my office, and then filled it with stuffed animals
True - and if I can find a workng camera in the office I'll post a picture. They have a high tolerance for eccentricity around here.)
Domestic Overlord - you're up
i wanted to go with #5, but I'll pick #3.
I think it's number 4 - how could You drop out of nursery school? Wouldn't someone else have to withdraw you?
Ok, I am picking at straws here..lol!
Okay, I'll go with number two because it's the only one left. But I must say I hope number five is true, way to stick it to "the man." Oh and if number three is true tell your mom thanks for the idea.
You WILL tell us the answer, right?! I'm guessing #1. It's so funny that I hope it's right. Course, if it's the mother/phone one, then I'll have to watch Cinderella again.
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